Is it easier to give or to get?

Is it easier to give or to get?

At Quartet Community Foundation’s recent annual philanthropy debate, the question posed was: This house believes it is more difficult to give money away intelligently than to earn it in the first place. As someone who earns my living advising donors which charities to invest in, I had a foot in both camps. It is hard to make a living as a philanthropy advisor in the UK. But the very reason I do get paid to do my job is it is not easy to give to charity, if you want to do it well.

We have to talk about fluffy

We have to talk about fluffy

I am often involved in introducing business people to their local charities or the charity sector as a whole. I am always amazed by the persistent myths that people hold about charities: that they are amateur, inefficient, homespun or well-meaning and worthy. A term that is often used – especially when the arts are involved - is ‘fluffy’. Calling charities ‘fluffy’ does them a gross disservice. 

Eat local, shop local, give local

Eat local, shop local, give local

For those making donations, giving to a local charity makes a lot of sense. You are likely to understand the issues and see the results of their work. You can visit the charity and so can better trust that your donation makes a difference. Your donation is also more likely to have a bigger impact as local charities tend to be smaller - £500 is a huge windfall for a charity running on £50k per year.